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a conservative estimate中文

用"a conservative estimate"造句"a conservative estimate" in a sentence"a conservative estimate"怎麼讀


  • 據保守的評估
  • 先前的統計


  • This is a conservative estimate of the population in the year 2000
  • A conservative estimate of the number of senior rotary leaders at the zone level or above with a commitment to major gift fundraising is 250
  • " we found that $ 3 billion is likely to be lost from the tourism industry in the region - but that is turning out to be a conservative estimate .
    "我們原以為這一地區旅游業的損失可能達到30億美元- -但現在發現這只是保守的估計.
  • " we found that $ 3 billion is likely to be lost from the tourism industry in the region - - but that is turning out to be a conservative estimate , " james murray , visa ' s executive vice - president for southeast asia , told the conference
    威士公司東南亞地區執行副總裁詹姆士?默里在會上表示: “該地區旅游業的損失達30億美元,而那只是保守的估計。 ”
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